Local Excellence and Global Reach
ONTIME STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC, is a recruitment agency and is duly and licensed by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA -034-LB-032921-R).
Selection and deployment of highly skilled Filipino workers in many parts of the world is our main goal. It has developed a large pool of manpower reserves with the support of its top-caliber staff that is considered experts in the different areas of the business.
We have strengthened our institutional capability to meet all skills requirement in nearly all facets of business
Our Mission
- To protect every citizen desiring to work overseas by securing the best possible terms and conditions of employment.
- To ensure care selection of Filipino workers for overseas employment in order to protect the good name of the Philippines abroad.
- To deploy Overseas Filipino Worker’s (OFW) only in countries where the rights of Filipino migrant workers are protected
- To make sure that the receiving country is taking positive and concrete measures to protect the rights of migrant workers.
- To continuous improved system of service delivery to better its clients.
- To provide our employees with opportunities to develop and advance commerce and information technology to continuously develop a competitive advantage in the delivery of our services.
- To serve employers by providing well-fit, honest and dedicated manpower and cost-efficient benefits commensurate to their individual needs.
- To build a wholesome relationship between and among the employers and the workers by including the values of integrity and honesty, loyalty and trustworthiness, openness and understanding of the international marketplace.
Our Vision
To become the employer’s only choice/preferred Recruitment Agency base on our excellent quality of performance and to become the leading recruitment company in the Philippines and make waves in the international trades by providing excellent services through good leadership, quantities, teamwork, extensive networking skills and effective interpersonal skills.
Our Objectives
- To provide globally competitive manpower services in different countries of the world where Filipino workforce is needed.
- To accommodates highly motivated individuals who are globally competitive in their fields of specialization in the workplace.
- To maintain high quality services as an important salient features in the company’s program.
Our Strengths
- ONTIME STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC. maintains a high standard of qualifications for all applicants.
- Only highly qualified employees/workers are deployed overseas.
- The owners and the employees of the recruitment firm believes that they are all accountable to God for everything they do.
Why Choose Ontime Staffing Solutions Inc.?
Our company believes in long-term business relationship – a relationship that is mutual, wherein all parties would win. Our business is about people. Our employees are our true and most valuable asset. Our motivated workplace is our passport to success. We firmly believe that valuing our employees and taking care of them are cornerstone for cultivating a corporate culture of performance and excellence.
Performance excellence, driven by dedication and motivation, is pre-requisites for achieving and exceeding customer satisfaction, creating stakeholder value, and meeting future demands and needs.

Our company is the best business partner for the following reasons:
- We give you convenience – we reply to all e-mail inquiries within 15 minutes.
- Our staff can be reached thru different media of communication – thru landline phones, thru email, thru web conferencing, thru SMS, thru Viber, thru Facebook, and other popular messaging applications.
- We treat our customers as our most valuable assets. Attending to the needs and requests our customers is our utmost concern.
- Candidates undergo rigid and strict screening. We make sure they have the right knowledge, skills, and attitudes that would fit the employer’s criteria.
- As much as possible, we let the candidates be prepared earlier, so that they would be deployed on time or as scheduled.
In order to have a consistent and unprecedent growth, the company lives in its culture of:
- Continuous improvement of its system, policies, and structure
- Passion for excellence
- Honesty and transparency
- Whole-hearted service
Industries We Serve

What Makes Us Unique
Our Valued Partners