Our Services
Right Connection and Right Employee
Our deployment staff have been known for their adaptability, perseverance, & smooth interpersonal relations. We ensure that before their deployment, they attend briefings and seminars that would prepare them psychologically and emotionally, to boost their morale, and productivity. We also require some of our candidates to undergo further training to accredited training centers to review and upgrade their current skills and competencies.

Intensive Screening, Through Assessment, Job Matching
ONTIME STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC., specializes in finding candidates that are difficult to source. Effective sourcing is crucial to any recruitment program. All our candidates undergo rigid and intensive screening, so we make sure only those with relevant and suitable knowledge and experience would be lined up for interview.
We believe that for certain positions a search program could be an effective way of sourcing candidates. The program would involve contracting people in the industry to ask whether they know of anyone who may be interested in the vacancies. By using approach, we are indirectly asking whether they might be interested in the role. We go directly to the source of the candidates that the client desires.
Database Candidate Search
Our database of candidates is full of experienced and talented people. This valuable point of reference allows us to search any criteria including; skills, experience, location and availability date, amongst other things. This system also allows us to see the candidate’s previous work history making it very easy for any consultant to review the candidate’s details and quickly decide whether they are suited to a position.
Candidate Referral Program
The Candidate Referral Program is designed to reach a much wider group of people than just the applicants registered on our database. We use our candidate networks to broaden our database of qualified applicants suited to our client needs.
Behavioral Based Interview
The basic premise behind the behavioral based interview is this; the most accurate predictor of the future performance is past performance in a similar situation. It provides a more objective set of facts allowing a consultant to make a more informed decision about whether a candidate is suited to a position.
Newspaper Advertisement
We can run press advertising all over the country. We use a unique layout and design to attract attention and will also ensure that the content of the ad creates an impact to entice candidates to apply.
Internet Advertisement
Social media advertising works very well provided it is managed correctly. Advertisements are presented to a job seeker in date order, i.e. the most recently placed ad will be the top of the list. We have a recruitment administrator who is responsible for ensuring that the ads we place remain at the top of this list by refreshing them on a regular basis. We also monitor the statistics relating to each ad to see how many people have viewed the details, versus how many have applied for the position.
Personality Profiling
We believe that a successful match between the job and candidate will improve longevity of a placement and will also provide key management and motivational suggestions. During the process the personality of the candidate will be verified at three different stages; during the interview, from the results of the personality profile and during the reference check. All candidates will be asked to complete a questionnaire which will provide a report of their internal, external and summary profiles along with a textual report indicating strengths, weaknesses, management styles etc. This profile is the assessed alongside the Job Personality Profile to see how well suited this candidate is to the position.
Skill Testing
ONTIME STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC., has specific testing software with numerous tests available. We Ask all candidates registering to work to complete a Spelling, Grammar, Numeracy and Reasoning test. We would be happy to include further testing in the process if required. Once the above process has been completed we will present short-listed candidates. We require all our workers to undergo training. We do not only train them in terms of skills and knowledge but in terms of attitude as well, that’s why our training programs include, personality enhancement, right manners and attitude refinement. We also offer specialized training based on clients and employers request and standards.
Reference Checks
ONTIME STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC., has an advanced, customized reference checking utility. The benefits of this system are; that it streamlines the process even further and it ensures that a candidate’s personality and ability to meet the selection criteria are verified for a third time. The program is quick and easy to use ensuring that we can present candidates to you as quickly as possible.

Highly Skillful, Highly Educated, Highly Experienced
Our selection criteria include several key components that will need to be verified before the recruitment process begins. For example, we would need to establish the skills and experience required, technical competencies and key performance indicators for the position, which would be provided in writing for your approval. We will then create the Job Personality Profile to provide us with the personality traits to look for during the recruitment process.
ONTIME STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC., uses a personality profile system to profile both the job and candidate personalities. We will analyze the job’s required traits and the adaptations that may be made in behavior, in order to meet the needs of a working situation. This provides us with the key personality traits that we will be looking for during the recruitment process and forms the basis for the behavior based interview questions.